Japan Mobilty Celebrating 25 Years!

We are excited to announce that Japan Mobility is celebrating its 25th Anniversary as a trusted partner for individuals and businesses relocating to Japan. Since our founding, we've been committed to providing seamless, personalized services to help our customers navigate the complexities of moving and settling into their new life here in Japan. From visa support, housing assistance, and cul

Cezars KitchenがSME 100アワードを受賞:卓越した料理技術を祝して

私たちは、Cezars Kitchenが、2024年のSMEアワード(マレーシアの急成長企業部門)を受賞いたしましたことを喜びをもってご報告いたします。この名誉は、卓越した料理を創造し、クライアントに素晴らしいサービスを提供することを追求してきた私たちの献身の証です。この業績は、私たちのチーム�

English School Returns to Cezars International

Welcome back Power English! Effective September 1, 2021, Power English is now, once again, fully owned and managed by Cezars International. The staff, including manager and head teacher are staying on and will be running the day-to-day classes. Power English is a full-service English school for adults providing English classes at all leve

Cezars Kitchen: Keeping Customers Informed

Cezars Kitchen provides its customers with a fantastic source of information on its food and service through their monthly newsletter. Recipes, chef biographies, and health & safety information are all provided in this colorful and insightful guide to everything we do at Cezars Kitchen. >> もっと読む